
The idea of "smart" and "intelligent" systems pervades all levels of urban environment. Mostly associated with ICT, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things, "smart" concepts still demand clarification and original interpretation. For the SynCity summer school 2014, TU Dresden invites up to 20 excellent young researchers, PhD-students and PostDocs from all over the world with an interest in technology development and socio-ecology to explore future trends in urban design.

Within the conception of the SynCity 2014 summer school, the acronym 'Syn' stands for two key concepts:
1) SYNCHRONISATION – the coordinated and harmonized interaction of multiple urban systems which is requisite for a truly smart city; 2) SYNERGY – the creativity and innovation that emerges when smart people from different fields, countries, and cultures meet and exchange ideas.

With the application to the summer school, candidates automatically apply for a refund of up to 90 % of the travel costs. Candidates will be informed about the exact funding with the letter of acceptance.
Funding is made possible by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal Government.